title says it all. me getting compliments is a very rare happening in real life, and a 0.0000001 probability event on social media.

  1. Compliments are meant to make the person being complimented feel nice about themselves, not some sort of trade-off. When I compliment someone, it’s because I like that aspect of that person, not because they complimented me.

  2. Social media is awful. Even the people who are popular can read one bad comment, and it tanks their self-esteem.

    Abandon that toxic shit, like a bag of hot dog-turd on a summer day.

  3. Compliments are like gifts; if you’re thinking of it as a transaction and expecting something in return, then you’re gifting in bad faith. That’s not a gift, it’s a trade that the other party didn’t agree to.

    You should offer a compliment because you want to make that person feel good. That’s it.

    If you feel that you’re lacking affection or validation from your friends, that’s a whole different issue. One that’s very complicated to address.

  4. probably because they are either looking for someone else than you OOORRRR because you aren’t listening to the people who tell you good things that are family and friends, but want some hot somebody to identify you. You don’t need them.

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