Hey 24 M. I’ve been told I’m decently attractive by multiple friends and even girls. Get plenty of matches on dating apps. Even (very rare) been approached by girls and told I’m attractive on a handful of occasions.

Yet everytime I’m in a club setting I talk to literally no girls. I wouldn’t even necessarily say I’m afraid of talking to girls but I just feel weird randomly approaching someone I don’t know from a can of paint and start hitting on them.

Like my mind starts to think: Why would I go over there and bother this individual? And even if I do go over there what exactly am I going to say?

Does anyone have thoughts/insights that can help with my mentality? And improve my ability to talk to girls in the club?

  1. Liquid confidence. Don’t think of the what ifs. Approach someone who is not surrounded by a ton of people. Maybe a few girl friends or make your move while she is approaching the bar. Always have a sense of humor. ALWAYS

  2. Practice approaching all types of people and making small talk. Janitors, random people in line, the waitress… etc. Slowly you’ll realise that its not as weird as you think, especially as you get better with it. In fact, most people actually like it that someone tried to speak to them, especially if you bring a lot of positive energy to them. If you approach girls with masculine and positive energy, its probably going to turn out ok.

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