Sometimes I crush hard. Some people just seem so perfect sometimes. That’s a delusion though but the feelings hit you hard so you kind of hold on. The holding-on part is what hurts. So how do you let it go when you’ve had enough?

  1. Letting it go is really about accepting that it’s not going to work out.

    What I typically do whenever I want to get over that hump is I just sit down and think about why it won’t work. Let the emotions flow if need be and be 100% honest with yourself about this. After that I sleep it off and I try to avoid that person as much as I can for a while until I can look at them and feel nothing. It takes a bit of time but the first part is important. You have to fully understand why you’re letting go to be able to really do so.

    Also distract your brain. Find some hobbies, make some friends and talk to other women. This will make getting over her much easier.

  2. Yes, try to relax and focus on priorities.

    It can be tough, a woman can be like a winning lottery ticket, however never fall for those that bring negativity and toxins

  3. I used to think about the first girl I ever kissed somewhat frequently. Like a few times a year she’d pop up in a dream and then I’d think about her quite a bit in the ensuing days. Then I decided to track her down since I wanted to either figure out she wasn’t as great as I remembered or get back with her. Ended up rekindling the old flame and a few weeks later we both broke up with our partners at the time to get back together.

  4. I don’t think you can do it through sheer force of will. The only thing that made me stop falling into oneitis for people was getting more dates. When you go out with more women, you stop idealizing/romanticizing any particular ones because the idea of a relationship is no longer this remote, untouchable, mystical thing. You just realize that people are just people and some of them are hot.

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