Ladies, has anyone ever hit on your partner in front of you? How did you/they respond?

  1. I do nothing. I don’t own him and he’s conventionally handsome. He gets hit on. If someone is rude enough to hit on someone in front of their partner, they don’t deserve any of my energy.

    He is always polite and usually oblivious to what is happening. He never flirts back or indicates any interest.

  2. During one of our summer bbqs my best friend was flirting with my husband. We all had much to drink so I don’t remember. My husband told me a few months ago if this flirtatious interaction that took place years ago between. Since then it’s been tough be her fiend.

  3. It’s happened a couple of times. I don’t do anything. She wouldn’t be happy with me immediately jumping in. She’d rather handle it herself so that’s what happens.

  4. Yes, and I just sit there amused because he almost never realizes he’s being hit on.

  5. Yes and my husband is Mr. Obilivious. We have a signal now so he either shuts it down or I will. He’s much more polite than I am. My most polite response is the trademarked Southern Fuck you + “it’s such a *shame* that you can’t get a man of your own! This one is mine and you need to run along now.”

    Only necessary if they’re really rude to me or very obvious.

  6. There’s a lady in town who *regularly* tells me and my husband she wishes he had a single brother and how great my husband is, how lucky I am, etc. It’s *very* uncomfortable.

    We don’t do anything, other than nervously laugh and then I give him a hard time about it later. She’s the resident town crazy person so let’s just say I don’t have anything to worry about. I do continually refuse her offers to come over for lunch sometime, just in case she’s trying to poison me so she can steal my husband.

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