What’s a rookie mistake in dating?

  1. Putting the other person on a pedestal. In a good relationship, both people need to be equals.

  2. Assuming that just because someone is being friendly or nice, that means they’re really into you.

  3. Being too enthusiastic and eager. Smothering and coming on too strong. Just let it naturally develop, don’t try to force it.

  4. Panicking if they seem to be cooling off towards you and then chasing after them even harder, rather than pulling away and giving them time to miss you and come looking for you.

    Worst case scenario is they *don’t* come looking for you and you lose them. But if they’re already backing away and cooling towards you, you’re likely to lose them anyway, so you’re always better off giving them space.

    But younger guys and insecure guys freak out and think that smothering them with affection is the best response to someone who seems to be losing interest. It 100% is not!

  5. assuming that bc you had a good time and felt the date went really well that the other person also felt the same way

  6. Choosing who to date based on appearance alone. Bodies change, make sure you like the personality attached to it.

  7. Letting them walk all over you. Call them on their shit. Be nice about it. But make it known. Don’t let them pull the uno reverse card about how you’re being upset made them upset and now the conversation is about them. You have needs too and not having that established early on is a recipe for a failed relationship. If they are incapable of accepting kind criticism then they aren’t someone conducive to a long term relationship.

    Be willing to grow but not change for them. By this I mean, becoming a better person for them is okay. But doing things like stopping seeing your friends and changing the foundations of who you are as a person is a no go.

    I don’t want kids. My ex tried to guilt me into wanting kids, and made a huge deal out of it. Then I’m some kind of monster who can’t do things for her. I’m not going to change my mind on such a big topic as that for a person I’ve been seeing for 8 months.

    Also if something they do makes you uncomfortable, let them know. And if they keep doing it, or similar things, you gotta get out.

  8. Listening to what women saying they want instead of looking at what they actually go far.

    “If you want to catch a fish, ask a fisherman”

  9. Letting the relationship go on way longer than it should simply because neither of you have enough experience to recognize that it’s over.

  10. Not dressing to impress.

    I’m not saying you have to be all dolled-up or wear expensive luxury items. Just clean up when you present yourself the first time to the other person.

    I never thought this would be something I cared about until I went on a date with a girl who showed up looking sluggish with clothes that looked dirty and baggy. I don’t know. It just killed whatever attraction I had for her initially.

  11. When she gets mad and you try everything to make her happy. Sometimes your girl is just in a bad mood and it has *nothing* to do with you. Just let her cool off a bit, she’ll come around.

  12. Don’t play childish games, and don’t allow your dates to play games.

    If you like someone, be direct but don’t fall all over yourself trying to make them like you back. The ball is in their court.

    We all just wanna be around people who make us feel good about ourselves, about life, etc. Just be pleasant.

  13. Thinking that you need to appeal to a broad range of people in order to succeed. You only need to find one other person who thinks you’re hot shit in order to have a relationship, instead of fretting over your perceived “flaws”, find someone who thinks your “flaws” are super attractive.

    Don’t use this as an excuse to not improve yourself as a way of bettering your own life, but don’t improve yourself in a generic way, just for the sake of attracting a generic partner.

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