(20M) I recently broke up with an ex of two years. She was by far the hottest girl I have ever gotten with, and she kept me truly satisfied. There were some other things that made it so that it didn’t work out.

Now, I’m getting back into the dating pool and have tried 1-2 hookups, which went poorly because I just didn’t feel the same level of physical attraction. I’m scared that I will never be able to find someone as hot as her. How do I stop placing so much importance on appearances?

  1. Stop being shallow? There’s a lot more to people than their looks. If you look at females based only on looks don’t be surprised when you attract a shallow female as well. Sounds like a first world issue to me. I hope you get some life experience and mature!

  2. If she was that hot, why are you struggling to find another girl similarly attractive? If you cant seem to get the girls you want, its time to work on yourself, or lower your standards.

  3. Maybe don’t compare them to your ex. Appreciate each person for what they bring. It’s okay, not everyone is gonna be a 10 to you. I think as long as your super worried about appearances, you might struggle.

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