I am curious about this. Ive notice around my city (Cleveland) as well as most of Ohio people will cruse slow in the left lane for miles with a train of traffic behind them, even when they have 3 other perfectly good lanes to drive in! I know in some states people will get pulled over for this while others could care less.

  1. Anyone riding the speed limit the left lane in Georgia will instantly have a pickup truck right behind their tailpipe within a matter of seconds.

    Unless it’s Metro Atlanta area, where traffic is always bumper to bumper regardless

  2. Washingtonians are noticeably worse at this than our neighboring states.

  3. Not at all enforced in New England but people are generally pretty good about not clogging the left lane.

  4. The rule doesn’t exist in CA. You can drive in any lane, if you have a trail of cars behind you because you’re driving so slow, you pull over to the emergency lane and let them pass.

  5. Got a ticket for this in NC some years ago. The way it works is that one can’t pass a car in a single lane (each direction) on the right. If there are 2 lanes (each direction) you are just driving in the other lane.

  6. It’s not a law in every state. It’s always good manners, but without a law, there can’t really *be* enforcement.

  7. I’m a sales rep and cover 45-50k miles a year on highways. I’ve been doing this job for 15 years and never once seen it enforced.

  8. It’s enforced about as often as the actual speed limit is enforced. So extremely rarely.

  9. Not enforced in California, nor is it part of the local driving culture. The prevailing system is that the faster you go, the farther left lane you choose. This system works better for freeways with 3+ lanes on each side. Being slower than the flow of your lane is a faux pas, even if the lane is going faster than the posted speed limit. Reckless driving will get you a ticket, but speed limits aren’t strictly enforced apart from some rural areas.

  10. If I had my way, there would be a left-lane chainsaw-on-a-string, such that if you’re on cellphone, the old **NYGEAAAAHH** right through the jugular.

  11. Not at all. A lot of people in central PA merge straight from the on ramp to the left lane, then set the cruise control to 66 and don’t move right until they’re about to exit.

  12. A few years back they announced they were going to start enforcing passing lane camping. There are signs all up and down our major freeways that say, “Keep right except to pass” but it was still a huge problem. When they announced they were enforcing it I think some people thought it was a NEW law cause I remember seeing some discourse online with a bunch of people saying they were so mad they weren’t allowed to drive in the left lane anymore. I was like, well you never were and that never stopped you so… Anyway, I’ve noticed it has gotten better. Now usually when there are left lane campers they have out of state plates.

  13. Didn’t know cops could enforce it. I never seen it happen since I’ve been driving

  14. Never.

    Thankfully people are pretty good about keeping the left lane clear. Normally the left lane is 20 over and most people don’t want to drive that fast

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