As I just did mine again, the question came to me.

When I’m frying something, in this case eggs, when I go to turn them over I think “if I only touch them for a second, it can’t be that hot”. I was making an omelette and using a utensil plus my finger to get it turned over in 1 piece.
Spoiler: it was hot.

My wife has a few, too. The lid of our nappy bin swings open onto the secondary light switch in the kitchen. She regularly turns the light off when putting a nappy in, then walks 6 metres to the other end of the kitchen to turn the light back on! Not only wasting energy, but it’s a split switch so then the main 2 switches are at opposite settings visually while both lights are on or off.

  1. I regularly think I’m able to drink sideways when I’m in bed. Spoiler alert: I’m not, and inevitably spill it every time.

  2. Spraying too much shaving foam into my hand. After almost two decades of shaving I still always think “that isn’t enough”, spray some more, then lather it up on my face and realise it definitely was enough. I then vow not to make the same mistake next time but…shave, rinse repeat.

  3. Buying a big bar of chocolate and telling myself I’ll just have a single strip of it per night and make it last a while.

    Constantly convinced I have more self control when it comes to sugary things than I actually do.

  4. Going to sleep too late because of going down a Wiki or Youtube spiral. I’ll just check one thing while I’m in bed I say to myself. 90 minutes later I’ve read about the origins of the Vietnam war and watched several videos of tanks. Now I’ll get less than 6 hours of sleep and be shattered the next day.

  5. Pasta. Making enough food for a village even when I specifically say its for 2 people.

    I never get it right

  6. “If I order a pizza I’ll eat it over several meals instead of one.” It’s always just one.

  7. Eating pizza even though I can’t digest wheat or cheese very well, so it makes me ill. Every few weeks though I’ll be in the supermarket and be like “mmm, pizza”.

  8. Buying expansions for games and playing them day 1. When i want to get a whole game, I wait, see what it looks like and give them chance to fix the bugs. When an expansion pack comes out I’ll pay full price and be waiting to play it as soon as it launches and then I’ll end up disappointed when I could have enjoyed it more by playing it later

  9. Going to the pub thinking I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow so I’ll only have a couple. Wake up in the morning with a terrible hangover which makes the day so much harder

  10. Watching one YouTube video before bed and expecting that to not turn into another 10 plus a video essay on some random historical figure

  11. Rather than use an oven glove like a normal person, I try to pull my pizza out of the oven with the tips of my fingers and try and wiggle it over the edge of the grate so then I can grab it properly and slide it on to the plate. Burned my fingers at least 10 times doing this

  12. My dishwasher was 2nd hand, didn’t come with the funnel for refilling the salt. I’ve had it for about 3 years, haven’t bothered to buy a funnel for it. Every time I refill the salt in the machine, half of it ends up missing the hole it’s supposed to go down, yet I still don’t bother buying the funnel.

  13. Try to click a website before its properly loaded, every time it moves and i click something i didn’t mean to click.

  14. Putting things away in the most random places when I cant be bothered to put them away properly, then then convicing myself I’ll remember where I’ve put it. I never do.

  15. I keep forgetting to turn the light on when I’m in the kitchen.

    Seriously, like two years ago the bulb went in my kitchen and the ceiling was far too high for me to easily replace. So, for a good few weeks I just got used to being in the semi dark when cooking, until I eventually got hold of a ladder. But in that time I somehow completely lost the instinct to turn the light switch on when I enter. So now I find myself regularly cooking in the dark and only realising like 10 minutes in.

  16. I was unfortunate enough to have quite a bit of luck in my teens, with the result now that when I buy a lottery ticket and don’t win I’m somewhat perplexed for a few minutes.

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