So there’s this girl that I really like and we’ve been texting quite a bit recently. We’ve only been talking for a couple weeks and have only just kinda officially got to the friends stage. Anyway, last night at 10pm I finished some homework that we both have and so I messaged her asking if she’d done it yet and if she wanted me to send my notes. Then she didn’t respond for a while so I realised that she’s probably asleep, so I sent her my notes and after I put ‘Feel free to use any of my notes if you need it. Anyway, gn’. I know it’s nothing too big and I also used the abbreviation so it may seem kinda insignificant, but I still wanna know- is saying ‘goodnight’ too personal? I think it’s ok and was a nice way to say bye to her but I just wanna check.

  1. I think it’s fine in the way you used it. It’s a normal close to a conversation

  2. It’s okay to say it here and there. I wouldn’t start texting goodnight and good morning every day.

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