I don’t really drink just water and usually add sugar free diluting juice. It doesn’t have any sugar, calories or anything really. I also feel it’s a good way to get vitamin C tbh if I don’t eat much fruit or veg that day. Just wondering if it really is as unproblematic as it seems or if I should drink some more water haha

  1. Artifical sweeteners are some of the most studied food additives. They are deemed safe for consumption, including by the EU and UK who have some of the most stringent regulatory rules on additives in the world.

    There is no evidence that normal consumption has any particular harm, at least not with all the other substances (natural and artificial) that we consume.

    There are a few studies that have shown some possible health effects, but these generally require consumption of huge amounts that are far more than a normal person would consume. We’re talking litres and litres of e.g. diet coke a day.

    On the other hand it is well known and understood that most people consume too much sugar, and that this is a major factor in obesity and other health issues like diabetes.

    I wouldn’t be using squash for your vitamin C though. Get on the veggies! Most veg is lovely if popped in the oven with a bit of salt and paprika and dash of oil. Or even consider taking supplements, plenty of cheap and reliable ones (although NHS recommends getting all necessary vitamins and minerals through normal food consumptions, with the exception of vitamin D where they say that supplements may be beneficial in winter months).

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