me 21f and my boyfriend 21m have been dating for 5 months, and love each other a lot. he’s always saying he loves me so much and shows a lot of affection but doesn’t compliment me that much. I brought it up to him and told him it makes me feel like he doesn’t find me attractive, but he reassured me that’s not it at all and he just feels really awkward because he doesn’t know how to give compliments. he’s very blunt or dry when he does it too. before we started dating, we used to be roommates so i’d see the girls on his fyp or vids or pics of girls he liked and literally none of them looked like me and they were 20x more attractive. he tries to compliment me a little bit more but it’s just stuff like “oh that looks good” “no ur not fat” etc. I tend to overthink a lot and this is genuinely bothering me I just feel like i’m not good enough for him

1 comment
  1. Well, some people are bad at compliments, and don’t say them very often. I’m in my 30s and my partner doesn’t compliment me that often either. But, it’s very obvious through other actions and behavior he loves me. Like buying something nice for me that I needed or suits my personality (shows he knows me very well). He also talks to me about everything and anything. He enjoys spending time with me, and often looks for games or tv series/ movies we can watch together. Etc. We’ve been together for 10 years.

    I guess my point is, maybe there are things he does that would be a tell that he likes you? Like maybe he cancels his plans with others to chill with you? Maybe he shares things with you he doesn’t most people. Maybe he messages you often. Maybe he takes the initiative for you two to hang out often. Etc.

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