What is the most despicable thing someone has ever said to you?

  1. Funny enough it was my father after I turned 18. He told me how relieved he was that he had finally “paid me off after 18 years”. Thanks, dad.

  2. “I never considered you a friend. I was just living my life and you happened to be there.”

  3. It’s an in between the lines thing. Months of silence speak louder than any despicable thing that could be said to me.

  4. “You’re only single because you choose to be.” She knew I was recently widowed and still processing the loss. She just wanted to be chosen herself.

  5. My mother told me that her and my father were disinheriting my children because they were not being raised in their religion..

  6. She said she knew that I’d go along with the sex shit she made me do, because she could tell just by looking at me that I was “a disgusting little creep”… I was only six and didn’t even know it was sex related

  7. That you will grow up to be rapist. I was 12 or 13 and I was just quite, misunderstood, a little weird, never creeped made weird comments or anything. I grew up in the country and we didn’t have cell reception, wasn’t a local growing up so wasn’t in a click, self confidence already low from primary school bullying. Fuck that lass.

  8. My first wife answering “Yes” to the question “Will you marry me?”.

  9. Either the time the woman who raped me told me I’d never speak out because they’d never believe me, or when I did speak out and people didn’t believe me.

    The many antisemitic comments and short comments about eugenics give those a run for their money though.

    People suck

  10. guy I once worked for told me that people like me who have Learning disabilities should be killed at birth.

  11. “I never praised you because you didn’t do anything worth praising”. Damn mom, tell me how you really feel

  12. “I wish you were more like the you in the past”

    – my mother, in response to me working on my depression without meds

  13. My ex told me “I came to her only for being intimate”. That broke me in a lot of ways and I’m still scared to get close to anyone and it’s been 5 years.

    I never forced anything, constantly asked her to speak if she’s uncomfortable. Yet she threw this after our breakup.

    My way of showing love was that and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be the same again. I want to but scared someone will say the same thing again to me.

  14. “You’re not good enough to work here”, said to me by a lab member in the first lab I worked at during my Bachelors, a few weeks after joining. Cried for 3 days.

    Funny how life works though, because I stayed in that lab for my Masters degree, and about a year into it he approached me and asked if I’d be willing to collaborate with him on a project.

  15. My mom called me a son of a bitch once. I was shocked she would say that about herself.

  16. 8th grade in the locker room btw- him: “I could rape your fat ass right now and I couldn’t stop me”
    I’m a dude and he’s homophobic af

  17. Someone told me they wish my mom dies. A couple weeks later my mom had a cardiac episode and was in a coma. After that, I truly lost respect for people.

  18. “you’re so stupid you deserve a (lethal) injection”. at a temp job well below my abilities.

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