At times, my girl pretends to be a bad bossy bitch that have so much options and talks in such a way that this relationship is not that important to her. She is not like this when we are alone and she expresses her feelings easily and somehow I think that she cares for me and become attached to me and really loves me. But in the company of friends or when she is angry, it is easy for her to talk about breakup and its one of her first solutions, even though she knows that I am not like this and that this relationship is important to me. Recently, we had a plan to go out with friends and I told her that I can’t go out at that time befor even planning it , but she jokingly said that I don’t care and I should go and drink because I haven’t had a drink in a long time. In our privet, she talks a lot about fixing her life and says that I should be more organized and stop partying and study(we are both 21 years old), but at other times her personality becomes switches and her personality becoms like Cardi B’s. In some of our conversations, she says that she was not a committed person in the past and did bad things, but now she is not like that for me and she has decided to change for me, but in some situations, her old personality gives me signs and becuse im a overthinker, I analyze the situation and, I am afraid that all her words are lies. Sorry for my bad English, it’s not my first language

  1. Dude, at best you’re being gaslit. This girl is a head case. Cut bait now.

  2. prepare yourself mentally for her breaking up with you now is all I’m saying buddy. Also you should totally take her advise about studying more and partying less

  3. This sounds like trauma bonding. Being nasty to you and then being sweet. It’s a vicious cycle to get hooked on. She sounds wounded and not ready to be a healthy partner. Cut ties sooner rather than later

  4. Run now, at least you’ll have control over when that shit happens. It’s coming.

  5. Im sorry but that first sentence alone makes me think you should break up with her.

    Two faced people are not worth sticking around for

  6. She sounds horrible? Why would you want to be with someone who treats you like crap in front of people and is only nice when alone?

    I’m not trying to be mean but dude have some self respect, don’t stay with people who treat you like shit to look cool.

  7. So as someone who is also quick to mention break up.. ITS a fear mechanism at best and at times may be a form of manipulation… Mentally I prepare for worst case scenario so whenever their are issues the mind immediately jumps to break up.. IM NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD TOLERATE THIS..But that’s how it is for me.. My current girlfriend called me on it and we are working through it.

  8. M8 you should be the one to end it. It doesn’t sound like she makes you happy. Rather, it sounds like she gives you a hard time for no reason at all. Not good.

  9. At best she loves you a lot and is terrified you’ll hurt her so she’s trying to do this thinking it’ll keep you on your toes and you won’t slack back on your treatment of her. Worse case scenario she’s a manipulative bitch who thinks you’ll simp hard enough no matter what she does. Neither are healthy foundations for any sort of relationship.

  10. I smell bpd and unfortunately that is probably a deal breaker. I was married to someone with bipolar and it’s the worst rollercoaster you’ll ever ride

  11. Took me awhile to learn not to put up with that hot and cold bullshit. Couple of my exes were like that and they were easily the most toxic relationships I’ve ever had. I just refused to let go so many times when I should have and wasted a significant portion of my life. I don’t recommend it.

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