I don’t know how to interpret this situation.

I’m looking for help from the vastness of the Internet because my friends have no clue and for the sake of my mental stability I need some kind of input or advice from someone who isn’t involved.

So I (18F) go to camp every year with friends from school. It’s a three day camp. This year only one of my friends could make it and she’s currently dating someone else from our general friend group, and I didn’t want to third wheel so I ended up breaking off. It’s not just my friend group that goes to camp, it’s whoever in the school signs up for spring break retreat that year.

So I break off, and end up hitting it off with this guy. It wasn’t my first time meeting him, we share classes, but we’ve never spoken for four years of high school. We end up doing everything together that weekend, flirting, joking like we’ve known each other forever, purposely choosing time together over group. We got along like we’d always known each other, we had a weird tension that never quite broke. I never got his number.

Come Monday after break (keep in mind I’m a chronically anxious person ) I psyched myself up to ask him for his number because I thought we got on really well. I see him in the hall with a girl I’ve never really noticed before—who turns out to be his girlfriend. We don’t talk anymore, but he always stares at me in the hall like he expects me to say something.

It feels inconsequential, but I can’t shake how well we got along and how weirdly connected I feel to the guy. We had amazing chemistry, and I can’t stop thinking about it every time I see him.

Typical teen drama. But seriously, how am I supposed to interpret that? The last thing I want is to get between anyone’s relationship. I haven’t tried to be friends with him because teenage girls are weird and I don’t want to upset his girlfriend. She seems nice.

1 comment
  1. You’re supposed to shrug your shoulders, chalk it up to experience and act like you don’t know him.

    It was a holiday flirt for him. It meant nothing. He’s a twat.

    Don’t make an even bigger drama out of it by saying something, you’ll just come off as looking silly.

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