Hey everyone, so long story short with my (18m) female best friend (18f) who is my friend since we were kids there is something on. So basically, since one month our relationship became more flirty, I flirted with her and so did she. A week ago we went on a date which we agreed that this will be our “first date”. Everything went right we even kissed and went on several other activites in the past week and we kissed again more times, but since the we didn’t agreed that we are offically dating. 2 days ago some friends from our school invited us to go clubbing, it was cool and all but some friends we pushing us in the club that “broo kiss her already” and I somehow panicked and didn’t make a move. Towards the end i finally put my hands arround her waist and danced but she kinda pulled off my hands. At one point one of the girls from the group asked if we are dating and she said no, which is understandable since we didn’t said it out loud yet but still it kinda hurt. Since the party she is kinda cold, not in an ignoring manner just i feel like she is less flirty, I invited her to my place since she already did a few times which she agreed but didn’t seem to be overly exited. So i am now in a confused state: Is she mad because i didn’t make a move on her in the club? Did she changed her mind and wants to stay friends? That would be sad Please guys help on what should i do, I can’t lose her

TL;DR: My female best friend is getting cold recently with us slowly becoming lovers

1 comment
  1. It may be she is not sure why she wants. It may take time or maybe she doesn’t want to be more than friends. We have no idea

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