I have struggled with depression most of my teenage years/adult life. This is nothing new. I have been in therapy for as long as I can remember and I am constantly fighting against it. For as long as I’ve known my husband, before we were dating, he has known this about me. But the past year he has been less than kind about it. I go through waves of sleeping more than what is considered “normal” but it doesn’t get in the way of my job, housework, cooking, stuff like that. It’s just when I have free time, I tend to sleep. He has been getting angry with me over it. I understand his frustration, but I feel like if the tables were turned I would be more worried about him and how he’s feeling, and the reason behind sleeping more. It just feels like he cares more about it being an inconvenience for him rather than what’s going on with me on a deeper level. I guess I am just looking for other peoples perspectives, I am completely open to the fact that I could be wrong in this sense.

  1. “My job, housework, cooking” – I hope you get some help with the housework and cooking and it’s not all falling on your shoulders because that would not be helping the situation

  2. As couple you are suppose to spend time together it’s not only about house chores and work.

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