I’m struggling to know if what I’m doing in my marriage is actually work because I don’t feel the way I used to about my wife. Thanks in advance.

  1. I’m not married but have been with my SO for coming up on a decade soon.

    The longer you’re with them the more you realize the subtle differences in your livelihoods or the way you carry out different tasks.

    You’ll have your own doubts as to whether or not they are the one for you. Whenever I do think in a negative light, I always remember the good days with them are more abundant than the number argument or “bad day”s.

    Even the days when there’s no chemistry, jokes, laughs, or even kisses; because they’re there with you, they prevent the feeling of total loneliness.

    More so than anything else, ask yourself if you’re currently in the right headspace to be making these judgements.

  2. **to me, work is**

    admitting when i’m wrong

    doing my share and more of the house work when she’s not able

    basically most labors of love, things i really don’t want to do but i do because i love my wife

    **things that are not work include**

    putting up with abuse, verbal or physical

    stewing in resentment

    enabling weapon used incompetence

    these are things that you would need to work through, but they should never be the norm

  3. Relationships evolve over time. No one feels exactly the same toward their spouse 5 or 10 years after they get married. That is not to say you are not in love anymore, but rather that the passage of time changes people, their way of thinking, and what they want in life.

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