Dating for me has been pretty hard the last few years. In the last few years ive only gone on 2 dates with one girl. And im having a pretty big sexual dry-spell. Right now id take anything from a date to a one-night stand. Ive been going tk therapy for a few years to help improve my social skills and ive seen alot of improvement. Going up to a girl and talking to them has never been an issue for me but unfortunately i either get rejected, or if i get s number i get ghosted. Ive asked all my friends, even my female friends and they think im not doing anything wrong and they even say i present myself in a confident way. I put a better effort in what i wear and still nothing has improved.

Last year i went on 2 dates with angirl. I thought it went well and we even agreed to go on a 3rd date. Unfortunately (according to her) we dont share the same faith and she thought she was ok with that but realized a week after our 2nd date that she was not, so she sent me a text saying “thanks for the great dates but i gave it some thought i want someone who shares my faith”. I took it well and told her no worries, and i enjoyed going out. We agreed to remain friends. We texted a few times after that but I havent talked her since january.

I want to see if maybe there is something i was doing that i didnt realize that may be messing up my chances with other girls. I just want to text something like “hey, hope all is well. I wanted to ask a quick question. since we went on a few dates last year i wanted to ask if there was anything you think i did or didnt do that maybe i couldve done better? Did you feel i was confident? Reason i ask is because dating has been a bit tough for me the past few years and i wanted to see if maybe theres something im doing that is pushing girls away.”

Should i text her? If so how does the above text sound?

1 comment
  1. >“thanks for the great dates but i gave it some thought i want someone who shares my faith”.

    Sounds like she told you why. I wouldn’t text her again about it.

    Our problem is we’re seeing her breaking things off with us as a “problem” to fix when it’s rarely that. She just didn’t think you 2 were a good fit. Oh well.

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