Pretty much what the question states:

Two women (lets call them A and B). Met A a couple of dates and we bonded very well. Our backgrounds match a lot and she’s really into me. Met B after i met A, and we spent a lot time together in a span of a week. A is younger than me while B is older than me.

I sort of freaked out and texted woman A that I’m super confused about us, and that caused her anxiety as to suddenly what happened with me. This is my fault and I take responsibility for this.

Historically speaking, I have had dating luck with women older than me but the relationships didn’t last long. Woman A is very much into me, extremely sweet, matches so much in personality as me (people have told me I’m a very kind man, hence) and with me being in a confused state, A has asked me if my head has been in the right place and she’s wondering if I’m serious about continuing to seeing her. Nobody’s ever asked me that before, and she reminds me of me in younger days when I was going through the same confusion. We’ve already had a great amount of conversations about ourselves, our families, etc. Her values align a lot with mine too.

Coming to woman B, she’s a lot bolder and speaks her mind. Nothing wrong with that as she’s been through a lot too, but she did mention that she doesn’t see herself living in our current city in the future. I’m not really sure about that since my job requires me to stay in the current city. Our values align a lot too.

Haven’t slept with either as I am trying to maintain a good deal of self discipline that I don’t want to unless we’re exclusive and there’s already an emotional connection established. I value that a lot personally.

Fellow Redditors, if you’ve been in a similar situation what pointers did you consider, and if there’s any advice you cold give me here. Much appreciated!

1 comment
  1. B wants to hook up short-term. A wants a monogamous long-term relationship. Which are you looking for? If it’s short-term sex that’s okay, but just stop stringing A along.

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