How many times a week do you order takeout?

  1. At least once, sometimes more. It just depends on how the week is going and what we are doing.

  2. 3 to 5 times a week (= saves me time since work has been very hectic lately (wfh)

  3. Usually almost every day. But I hate that, I love homemade meals, it’s just exhausting to think about and cook one myself.

  4. Usually once on Friday nights. Sometimes it’s more depending on mine and my husband’s schedules, but it’s rarely more than twice a week.

  5. We’re in March and l have only had take out twice…What can l say? I love to cook for myself…

  6. Usually one a week on Sundays. The only day in the week I don’t cook or eat leftovers

  7. Some weeks, once. Some weeks, 4 lol. The key to parenting a toddler is ✨ balance ✨

  8. Usually once, on Fridays, and we’ll order enough to last through the weekend so we don’t need to cook actual food til Sunday night.

  9. I usually only cook on Saturday and Sunday. That way I’m not stressing about cooking during the week. If I am craving something in particular then I’ll go and get it. But it’s maybe like twice a month. Eating out is expensive.

  10. Before I went vegetarian: at least 3. Maybe 4.

    After: zero. It’s just not worth it anymore. Veggie takeaway round here tastes like ass.

  11. Probably 1-2 times a week. I’d like to cut down to just once a week but some days, life gets so stressful I don’t have the time or energy to cook.

  12. Zero normally. We’ll go out to eat before we’ll order takeout and going out to eat is a rarity for us.

  13. Depends. If I’m busy with lots of work, almost every other day. If I’m not busy & have the time to cook, I can go on for a month or so without any takeouts.

  14. Everyday 💀 i cook more during the summer because i like to make meals which can take a while

  15. Depends on what’s going on in the household. Last week we got take away 3 days in a row because our schedule’s were chaotic and neither of us had the time to cook. So far this week zero. It really varies week to week.

  16. Used to do maybe twice a week before the war and everything got expensive. Now we’re at twice a month.

  17. None. We cook or go out to eat. I’m meal prep at least once a week so most of our meals are pretty easy to put together

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  18. It really depends on how bad the depression drain is. I had one month where my takeout bill was so bad that I deleted my doordash account completely. I just couldn’t cook.

  19. Between 0 and 5. Most weeks 0-1. Some weeks a lot more. It all depends on my schedule and needs at the time.

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