Long story short… like the title says i ghosted a dude 3 times and he keeps trying. He’s never once said he wants to be done and continuously calls out my behavior. He says he has feelings but just wants to be ‘friends’ but why?

I ghosted him because I became incredibly infatuated with him. There are some incredibly strong feelings but it would NEVER work out. There’s so many circumstances that wouldn’t allow it to work out. It was also unhealthy how infatuated I was with him and I have to cut someone off to get over them. I’m so confused because he says he has feelings for me but just wants to be friends and “we shouldn’t flirt” lmao someone dumb this down for me cause sis is confused.

  1. You are making your life very complicated. Ghosting a guy who likes you because you like him too much? What?

  2. Okay sis. First you ghosted regardless of your unhealthy infatuation for him. You didn’t give him time to process because you didn’t give that option for him.

    You need to give him closure.

    His actions are showing desperation. I’m not telling you to give in to this but you just be honest and tell him why you’re not seeing him anymore.

    AND if he continues to message/contact you, then block him. simple.

  3. Why are we playing these BS games with him? You like him but you’re ghosting him for that reason? Why are you self sabotaging?

  4. Stop with games and just be real. You didnt ghost if you kept doing it 3 times you just been hot cold. Why go through that put him through that if you like him care about him.

  5. Have you outright told him “I’m not romantically interested in you, stop asking me out”

  6. He is coming back because he is a simp. That BS saying he just wants to be friends is a negging tactic on his side. He is doing that to you to confuse you thinking he doesn’t want to bang you, but he sure does want to bang you since he is trying to keep contact.

    If a dude is not into a woman. That woman will be ghosted. You will not hear from that dude because he doesn’t want anything to do with you.

  7. How are you continuing to communicate after ghosting? One of us apparently doesn’t know what ghosting is

  8. Messy, I think this a therapy topic that you should cover. He likes you so he’s sticking around

  9. Honestly i wish you a lifetime of loneliness. It’s childish, heartless and borderline psychotic. You’re intentionally hurting someone who’s invested in you. I hope he realizes sooner rather than later and moves on

  10. Maybe because you’re leading him on. That might have something to do with it. Couple that with low self-esteem, and here we are.

  11. Just message him that you do not wish to stay in touch, wish him all the best and then block everywhere.

  12. Stop playing games and be up front, this is some terrible behavior. Tell him though you may like him you know it’s not going to work, that your not compatible. You’re not interested in playing around and trying to be his friend with the feeling that you have will just be confusing and painful. You’re not looking to play this game or waste any time with him and miss out on something that will work. Please stop trying to make contact and have a wonderful life.

    Then get some therapy because DAMN!

  13. You both are terrible.

    He should be done with you after you wasting his time by ghosting him. He should have self respect enough to walk away.

    But you should just be honest with him and stop playing around. Ghosting someone is childish games. You both need to talk it out.

  14. You’re as bad as him, why do you keep letting him come back? It’s probably the same reason, boredom and desperation.

  15. Don’t ghost people. Bust be upfront and respectful. This will spare everybody involved some pain and time. Don’t be an ass

  16. Fact: unless somebody is a threat to your safety, ghosting somebody makes you a piece of shit.

    Be better OP

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