Hi Reddit im 26 and a female if that plays a role, i have zero confidence( not necessary because of my appearance) I’m putting myself all the time in the victim position and i don’t know how to say no.
I’m like that since I was born and I’ve been like that my whole life,i can’t stand up for myself people take advantage of me, I’m invisible in a room full of people and I’m never a priority to anyone.
I’m fully aware of that all of this is the result of lack of confidence and the lack of charisma that comes with it.
I even hate hanging out with other people because I feel automatically bad about myself.
How could I get over this shitty pathetic personality that i have and become someone that matters? Are there any tricks?
This thing is destroying my life and sometimes I don’t even think I’m worth living. I don’t even think that someone will leave a comment here 😅

  1. Hey there, i don’t have any advice, but i’ve experienced and am still going through some of the things you’ve described, and i just wanna say that i’m praying for you.

    All the best 🙂

  2. Seems more like lack of self-esteem and self love/worth.

    So first step could be learning to love yourself and see value in yourself. How can other see you worthy if you don’t see yourself worthy.

    Low self-esteem and not valuing oneself are roads to srlf-sabotage.

    Best would be to seek professional help.

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