Hello everyone, this is my first post on this site. I’m curious if anyone else has experienced what I am currently experiencing. For some background, I am a 24 y/o male. I would describe it as a form of dating fatigue, if there is such a thing. I’m active on dating sites and I receive quite a few likes and I match with quite a few women. However, conversations don’t really go anywhere and my heart is not really in it. I have been in relationships for the majority of my adult life and I think I am engaging in these behaviors partly out of habit. It doesn’t feel normal for me to not be in a relationship. Also, it doesn’t help that my family pressures me into dating. Although I am feeling a bit of loneliness from not having a partner being part of my life. I’m unsure how to process how I am feeling and what I should do about it. My last breakup did not end amicably. It was also very toxic towards the end of it, and I felt incredibly drained emotionally and physically. I have since moved on from that person and I am indifferent towards them. I’m seeking advice and perspective from someone else who is wiser than myself. I will respond to any inquiries as well.

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