Men who still talk about their ex, why?

  1. I mean… she was a part of my life, and at times I speak about my life with people..?

  2. Whenever something is absolutely insane or disgusting and those words don’t adequately describe it or if we need something to compare with another thing that has likely had an immeasurable amount of other dudes inside of it.

  3. We had some ups and downs, our experiences that are sometime worth sharing.

  4. Its been a year and a half, she basically said i wasnt mascukine, which i 100% agree, i was a push over i didnt give her no space and i was insecure as hell, i didnt know what i wanted with my life, amd i was an emotional burden. I was a coward to, and i was afraid of her. She was my first love, she used to love me alot, and if i was where i am mentally now, we would still be together, but aye, im glad she cheated im glad she left me like she did, i mean when she left she basically took my manhood with her. I wanna apologize for somethings, but its like for what. Shes gone now, and t really is more women. I analyzed that relationship like a chess game, trying to find my flaws and everything, it was hard getting through the initial breakup she was like my world but i love making beats and i love liquid thc. She was perfect bro we just came in contact at the wrong time in life, i wasnt prepared nor ready for a relationship.

    But to answer your question in all honesty, i dont wanna forget her, and idc nothing about that “she moved on to new dick, forget about it” type mindset. She was fire ; she knew and i knew it and i know she still is. I dont blame her for what she did, IM GLAD SHE DID it made ,e realize and understand somethings about life and for that, she and it was worth it, and shes still worth talking about even if no one cares. She woke my weak minded lil minded ass up. And i mean that, and if i ever see her again i will thank her.

  5. im about to be 33. we dated in highschool when i was like 17 and decided we were better friends. because shes a cool lady and we are adults. im really happy with the choices shes made for herself. makes me smile for her. she has what she wanted and im glad.

  6. And ntm alot of us dudes probably only have maybe max 5 girlfriends our whole lives

  7. Had to because we had a child together.

    Most often there is good cause for an ex to be an ex and some of us prefer to cut that cancer out of our lives.

  8. It all depends, If you were married for 30 years and she died from cancer.
    You can keep on talking about her.

  9. I wouldnt talk about exs to current women but I do talk to my mates about some.

    Nothing worse than when you think things are perfect only to have the rug pulled out under you and still wonder why years later.

    Or when you meet someone and they are perfect except for a few unfixable things.

  10. Because apparently pepper spraying her after she punched me is a hilarious story.

  11. At some point or another they were a pretty big part of my life so I tend to speak about them, even with my wife at times. NEVER COMPARE YOUR CURRENT PARTNER TO AN EX THOUGH!! It’s no different than speaking about a funny story you had with an old friend. It boils down to maturity and essentially being able to speak about the past without reading into the situation.

  12. My previous relationships were a big factor in who I am today (especially in regards to who I am in relationships)

    It would be hard to explain behavior that’s rooted in previous relationships without bringing up the relatioships.

  13. Is smart, we both are more or less on the same wavelength intellectually which helps both of us learn, argue, discuss things of common interest and be completely honest with our opinions cause no need to sugar coat it. And she is a person with good heart, plus the breakup didn’t happen cause of any bad reasons, so no bad blood between us.

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