I know alot of times people use cards as its alot less to carry round.

do people prefer not using cash

when digital Id gets introduced technically the government will be the bank. so they can cancel your account, restrict spending, monitor what your spending etc.
apperntly there will be a max limit of 20k so no saving for a house or anything of that nature.

  1. I’d be happy with it, I’ve been cashless for years anyway.

    Where did you hear about all the stuff with the government?

  2. I don’t use cash for anything already.

    I still haven’t seen the details of how they’re planning to trial a digital currency but the plans don’t involve removing banks, they’ll still exist and operate as they currently do.

  3. You have had 2 tbone steaks today … sorry put them back coz you had 2 yesterday

  4. It is a lot more convenient in general and probably more secure too but then not ideal for the homeless and those who’s businesses rely on cash

  5. No. I don’t want everything I buy to be monitored and logged. I like my privacy.

  6. There’s a lot of people out there who need cash in hand jobs. Some need it to top up their crappy wage or zero hour contract, in a similar way to how tips in the USA work.

    Yeah, it operates outside the taxman but some mum working 16 hours in Tesco getting an extra £50 a week from a mummy business isn’t a cancer to the taxpayer. Obviosuly I’m not on about people who make large amounts of illcet cash. The economy isn’t black and white from top to bottom.

    A cashless society has a record of every transaction everyone makes and will kill the cash in hand economy.

    Some people may say so what? Everyone needs to pay tax. Okay then. But the biggest threats in that sense aren’t the low earners trying to get a bit more cash. It’s the millionaires, the billionaires and the businesses that worm their way out of paying millions of times what some people pay.

    If you’re going to clamp down on the guy creaming a few grand in cash then you’d better be going after all the weasels who a creaming a million times that.

  7. I think we should switch to a foil hat based currency.

    You’d be a fucking millionaire.

    20 seconds on Google shuts this whole nonsense down. Please, go outside and get some fresh air.

  8. Cards are great until ‘Sorry, our card machines aren’t working’. Happens a lot.
    Also, why should I be obliged to use a bank if I don’t want to? We all know they’re not infallible.

  9. I think the idea of a fully cashless society is kind of shit, there are definitely circumstances in which it has its place.

    That said it wouldn’t surprise me if crypto (and not the digitalised British pound) became a mainstream way of paying in the next 5-10 years without the country becoming an out and out surveillance state.

  10. “Apparently”… proceeds to make up utter nonsense.

    There are valid criticisms of a cashless society but yours are not among them.

  11. Imagine a world in which the government knew things about you and had photos of you… mental

  12. I prefer to not use physical cash, but I’m against society going 100% digital currency.

    I don’t understand why you think the state would be the only bank. Why wouldn’t I be able to store my currency where I choose, like the bank with the best interest rates or whatever other reason.

    Why would savings be capped at 20K? I’m pretty sure almost every MP would be against that.

  13. >when digital Id gets introduced technically the government will be the bank. so they can cancel your account, restrict spending, monitor what your spending etc. apperntly there will be a max limit of 20k so no saving for a house or anything of that nature.

    This isn’t happening, the BoE is producing a new digital currency which has a 20k limit after which it flushes to your regular bank account as it is meant to work as a payments system not a bank account. Pound sterling is not going anywhere, they are just creating an alternative to Visa and Mastercard.

  14. I like to use cash for shopping and socialising. I only use card for paying for petrol so my bank statement just shows that, direct debits and single cash withdrawals of like 100 or 150 which last however long i need it to. And theres the occasional online transaction if i use amazon or buy tickets or a holiday. I don’t like seeing individual transactions clogging up the bank account so the less the better, especially when going out drinking where you end up at the bar god knows how many times

  15. Firstly, digital ID won’t take off. It will fail

    Secondly, while I use electronic payment for most things, Cash will NEVER go away.

    There’s too many that rely on this simple transaction and if notes/coins go away, people will use another method to not be digital.

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