If you were part of the “popular” crowd in high school, what was your experience like?

  1. I was the crowd , playing school sports gave you clout 💯 I hate all them now them groupies

  2. Slightly lonely and misunderstood. I played basketball so everyone knew my name and face but they didn’t know me as a person. I felt more known in math club than anywhere else.

  3. Gonna be real interested to see how many former “it girls” are now on Reddit!

  4. I loved it! Those kind of skills helped me so much as an adult.

    It was awesome going anywhere and hearing my name shouted. Or showing up and having people run up to hug you. I feel like I belong everywhere.

    I got voted homecoming queen and it was such a fun night to dance on stage.

    I adored school because of how positive it was for me. Teachers and students alike were always super nice.

    I was captain of two major sport teams and a varsity player on the other.

    I still wouldn’t go back if I had the chance. Being an adult my social circle is 5x the size as high school and I get way more freedom.

  5. I cheered but didn’t consider myself to be in the popular crowd. I had my own set of friends but I got along with mostly everyone. I wanted to be known as being kind to people vs popular. Regardless, bc I was a cheerleader, no one really “messed” with you (in a bullying sense).

  6. I was the quiet popular girl. My friends were popular so I was by default lol. It was good. We weren’t mean girls so we knew and hung out with everyone. We could be clique-Ish at times but it wasn’t to exclude people though I’m sure it came off that way. I had fun in high school so I guess I had a good experience.

  7. Popular senior right now! I’m in a tiny middle-through-high school, so it’s not that special lol. I didn’t become popular by doing crazy stuff, but by being nice to everyone and keeping good grades. It’s honestly not too bad, I was wildly unpopular in middle, and I like people wanting to talk with me and asking for advice with things!

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