I’m a 22M who is going to graduate in several months. I currently don’t have many friends. I have been in college for almost five years and up to this point, I’m having a lot of trouble making friends and finding people who genuinely want to get to know and interact with me for long-term. As of right now, I currently know around 7 people who I consistently talk to but they’re mostly acquaintances from classes rather than friends. Most friends I have now which is not many, are friends I maintained from high school. I’m working on making new connections during the time I have left here but I am not very confident about it. I used to have more genuine friends at school but they randomly drifted away.

I have been thinking a lot about what my life will look like after college, and it’s been frightening. Growing up, I have always been the shy and quiet guy and never had a lot of genuine friends. I’m not in touch or connected with a lot of people from my hometown that I will go back to after college. I have heard a lot about how much harder it is to make new friends and connections after college. In college, it’s considered much easier for a lot of people, because you often have people around you and there are a ton of opportunities. I don’t think it’s the same case after when you go into the real world and focus on a career. Most friends or acquaintances you meet in college will inevitably drift away too just like high school.

I just want to hear experiences from people who have already graduated. How hard is it for you to meet and make new friends after school?

  1. It was.rough for me. It was a long time back. I’m 47. I moved to a new place for work. I didn’t know anyone. I also have social anxiety, so that didn’t help, either. Everyone in my workplace was older/coupled up/or didn’t like me. It’s pretty safe to say that it was a rough transition.

    I finally made friends with a gay guy at my work.

  2. I transferred universities after freshmen year and made an effort to stay in touch with friends via Facebook. Then I started dating someone at my new school who didn’t like my friends so I stopped talking to them (I thought I was being respectful to my partner). After I finished school and our relationship ended, I had a few friends left but they stopped talking to me after they got married and had kids.

    I’m 34 now and I WFH. I don’t see any friends in person and just have a few I talk to on Instagram. It’s really hard. I’m moving to a new state in a couple months and hoping that helps me meet new people. If you get an in-person job, it’s easier to make friends. Sometimes those friendships become real and sometimes they’re just your work pals.

    Highly recommend looking for Meetup groups in your area. I can’t say I’ve made any lasting friendships but I also move almost every year. I’ve had some really fun experiences with those groups, which is better than nothing.

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