I started to date a woman recently whom I really like, but recently she told me that she practices witchcraft, is that a red flag?

  1. Modern day “Witches” are really just the daughters and granddaughters of the civil rights era hippies.

    Just depends on if you’re religious or not I guess. Im an atheist hippie-ish type myself so a woman being a witchy chick is actually the opposite of a red flag for me. Some of the best relationships I’ve had has been with witchy women. Go for it.

  2. I don’t think it’s a red flag at all. Witchcraft has always been around and a thing. I think there’s a very skewed view from a religious standpoint that it’s devil this and demon that when it’s not. Ask her about it! I’m sure she’d love to share.

  3. It is more of a question of: is it a red flag to your gut instinct or something that you would likely feel very uncomfortable for everyone who knows you to be aware of if she was your wife/coparent.

    If not- fine for you to date her.

    Personally I would be very cautious of dating a guy who told me that he practiced witchcraft, wicca, any type of occultism and was actively involved in an lhp community.

    I grew up around quite a few self-proclaimed witches of both biological sexes and active lhp members with very disturbing beliefs & habits, most of them were very bad apples who should have been in prison or sectioned in a secure unit.

  4. Hell no! Most witches understand their art well and often use it to help others, so if anything it’s a green flag! Definitely try to get into it as well, she’ll love talking about it with you!

  5. Only if it goes against some really important religious belief you have. Some people are super weird about it, but that goes for literally every interest lol.

  6. Last woman I was with approximately 5 years ago before I got with her I had all kinds of women. I broke up with her, and ever since then my love life has been dead. Thinking I gotta handle it soon. She is a pagan and dabbles with that blood magic. I CANT say if she is responsible but nothing else makes sense at this point g. In other words don’t.

  7. It would be for me, but they’re still human beings deserving of happiness and I wish them the best of luck in finding someone.

  8. I’m a witch and I tell you, it depends. There are witches who do witchcraft for good and evil, just as in all areas of life there are good and bad people. Be careful because you never know what witches are capable of. I have witch friends that I would never imagine that they would do something bad to someone until I saw them angry at someone or disappointed… we can be cruel, and that is very real.

  9. I would not date a witch. That is dealing with the occult and evil spirits type thing. I wouldn’t want to invite that into my life.

  10. Lmao it’s honestly totally up to you. Are you comfortable with it or not? If it’s a red flag no, don’t.

  11. I used to be into witchcraft as a teenager, because I was hugely into the W.I.T.C.H. comic magazine, and they would have some witch spells and other witchy things in there too beside the comic. It made me do my own research as well on the internet and such. I kinda got out of it when I figured out it doesn’t completely match my views on life and the creation of the universe and such. I have a different belief. But in my eyes, witches seem generally good people. I’m from the Netherlands and I know there are also a few covens in my country and such. I think in Europe at least, most witches seem to go by the traditional witch culture of Europe, and I like how they sort of are practicing and keeping alive a traditionally European cultural practice in that sense. I do think most people who get into it are alternative people though (so people who e.g. listen to metal and such). But for me that would be no problem since I also was pretty alternative myself as a teenager. Maybe in places in the U.S. it’s a little different though, idk. Anyway, I do think I would date a witch if I would be attracted to them. Unless they have some particular toxic Wicca religion beliefs or think they are allowed to use black magic.

  12. I’m way deeper into the occult than most modern day witches, so, sure? I would not even tell anyone about it. Who cares except her? Is it a big part of her identity? How does that impact her relationship to others? That’s all that really matters. Most of it is LARPing and new age stuff. If you get a winner you will have an emotionally mature woman on your hands who has done some real inner work, but that’s rare.

  13. That really depends on your sensibilities. I assume she means she practices Wicca or a similar neo-pagan religion. This isn’t green nose and warts and evil. It’s really a question of how comfortable you are with the idea of a SO with different religious/spiritual beliefs from you.

  14. Magic ain’t real and never has been and never will be.

    What’s a red flag is that she’s a delusional goth

  15. I think it’s important to begin with curiosity than judgement.

    “Oh cool! What does that mean for you? Tell me more, how do you practice witchcraft?”

    Unless you believe in like literal sorcery and magic and that scares you, then that’s one thing, but if not, then I think you’re good.

    I’m a whole ass Christian pastor and I was crushing on someone who was a witch and it was pretty cool to hear perspective on things and learn from beliefs.

  16. I wouldn’t date anyone who is heavily religious, regardless of which religion they follow. It’s a case of mismatched ideologies.

  17. I did! And honestly, she was amazing, kind, intellectual, passionate! Also: best sex I had probably in years!

  18. I am a practicing pagan and I can tell you dating a witch is no different than dating anyone else, except this person lives with spirituality. You can learn a lot from this person, just tread lightly and don’t hurt her.

  19. I have a friend who’s a witch, and she has an even “witcher” friend. My friend reads tarot cards, is really connected to spirits and energies, and souls being old and young. Her friend is kind of an earth witch?? She is very connected to her plants and uses them to make cosmetics with the knowledge she gathered from the natives here (I believe she’s a native too, or at least part native). So, you should kind of see what’s her deal and see if you’re into it.

  20. 😂 would you avoid a Catholic? Or a Hindu? Someone’s faith is irrelevant to whether they are a good person or not.
    Dive in, she’s probably a lot cooler than most people you will meet!

  21. Without knowing anything about YOU its hard to say. Do you hold incompatible spiritual beliefs, or are you receptive or even neutral to this kind of world view

    Pagan religions / spirituality are just a faith based system of values, rituals, and spiritual beliefs like any other. Witches generally have more props than baptists but are fundamentally similar to any religious person. They have things that are very real and important to them that may not be real and important to people that do not share their beliefs.

    Personally I’m incompatible with people who are super-religious, as they don’t tend to appreciate that I have an “I respect this is real to you and am interested in understanding your beliefs but I don’t and probably won’t believe in these things” attitude. Moderately religious or spiritual people are usually fine with this attitude. For other people its a non-issue or even preferable because they see the world that way as well.

    Just remove the word “witch” and replace it with “religious” and it may be easier for you to make this decision.

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