I don’t want sex to end after I cum, I would love to keep going after cumming deep in her pussy, but my cock gets too sensitive for a while then lose interest then rather watch the news lol. Any advice?

  1. Most men can’t cum over and over and need rest between, I suggest edging or just having a break in between. Make sure it’s something she wants to or you’ll be wasting your time haha. Sex can hurt us girls after too long.

  2. It’s not one size fits all with physiology. I know porn stars seem to have zero refractory periods but that is complete horse shit! Most men need time to go again so my advice is listen to your body and heed its advice!

  3. The best you can do, I believe, is take sildenafil (Viagra). Not cumming for a few days may help as well.

  4. I am unable to cum twice but on occasion, I can still maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse. Unsure why but if I cum outside of her, I can continue. Inside and I’m done. Maybe try that or just experiment in general. I am of no help!

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