What keeps you up at night?

  1. My child projectile vomiting right after we finish changing the sheets from the last round.

  2. That the more I work on myself the more I lessen the chances of having a solid group of friends who like the nerdy stuff I do. It just seems like most nerdy people I meet are so insecure/depressed that someone like me will always be seen as an outsider/threat to them.

  3. The thoughts of my job. I work in warehouse and it’s so physically demanding for my back. Like I know it’s going to hurt so bad at the end of my shift. There have been times when my bod just said no and I subsequently threw up before shifts and I even cried once.

  4. Stupid ass YouTube videos like “table saw powered trike”, “I made belt sander skates”, “can you cook a turkey in a clothes dryer?”, “ I ran over a pile of 50bmg rounds with a lawn mower”

  5. Not much, except when I think about embarrassing shit I’ve said/done in the past

  6. Wondering what I want to do in life , what my passions are, what minor changes I can make to have a major effect in my life etc. just a bunch of existential crisis stuff really .

  7. I fight my sleep, always have. So it takes a long time for me to knock out even on a calm night. But on the longer nights, it’s usually because I’m fixated on something. Anything from a rage-inducing thought from my day, all the way to a problem I’m trying to solve at work, or a logical inconsistency in a story I’ve read recently.

  8. Delayed Circadian Phase Disorder.

    My natural sleep/wake cycle is to sleep from around 5am to 1pm. I work an 8am-5pm desk job. It’s fucking hell. But night shift jobs are typically not full time, no benefits, and near minimum wage. I can’t survive on that.

  9. The feeling that no matter how much I do there will likely be the same half full fridge, run down clothes in my closet, and same run down car just more run down. But knowing taking a second to breathe could result in it all crumbling away. Cheers

  10. Saudi Arabia selling oil in currencies other than the US dollar(IFKYK). How fucked up of a world my kids are going to live in. Too much shit.

  11. Existential dread really, fun waking up in a panic state worrying about something that’s so pointless and yet so human.

  12. At first, it was loneliness and just being a boy. Now it’s the only time I don’t have someone that has the option to yell in my vicinity.

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