So I had sex with a new partner yesterday and since then my sternum has been incredibly painful to touch and also feels swollen on one side – it doesn’t look visually swollen as much but it almost feels like a water balloon on one side.

The guy in question was pretty rough from the get-go (he also didn’t ask consent for this or indicate it was going to go this way – a red flag for another time but my horny, single ass just went with it in the moment). He choked me pretty hard in several different positions – I’m just wondering if the swelling and tender feeling has come from this at all? I’ve been choked before but never had this pain afterwards, but I can’t really think what else it could be (unless it’s some unrelated medical emergency in which case, uh oh). Has anyone else ever experienced this after rough sex?

  1. Yes has happened to me a few times. Takes a few days for tenderness to go away. They’re trying to not go full force with their strength/hand on neck so will put forearm on upper chest, clavicle, and/or sternum like you mentioned.

  2. I’ve noticed when I’m not careful enough while choking my partner I can put a lot of weight on her sternum. Sometimes she’ll tap my wrist not because my grip is too hard but because I’m putting a ton of weight on her chest without noticing. It’s possibly something like that.

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