How often have you said something you genuinely didn’t mean out of anger?

  1. almost never, i was fortunate to have a dad that taught me how to be emotionally available and not bottle up my emotions to the point of exploding

  2. things i dont mean almost never but id be lying if i said i havent threw a fair share of hammers at walls at work

  3. I can’t recall having done anything like that. If any, I’m often the victim of people’s verbal outrages 😂

  4. Never.

    It’s not that i don’t say hurtful or fucked up things out of anger, i just generally mean them and they’re usually just stuff that’s too fucked up to say until I’m angry enough to not give a shit anymore.

    my feeling is if someone says it, they’re at least THINKING it and there’s gotta be some truth to it, but they will probably backtrack on it and say “I didn’t mean it” when they’re faced with the consequences of someone being upset / leaving a relationship / no longer being friends after they said the fucked up thing.

  5. Never. Maybe when I was a child, but the only thing I ever regret doing out of anger is either raising my voice or cursing. I don’t say things I don’t actually mean as a rule.

  6. Quiet a few times. I always did it because I was hurt and was trying to hurt the other person. I know it’s bogus but it’s true

  7. So many times. I had to start going to therapy. It was only to people I genuinely loved.

  8. If I say something out of anger best believe I meant it lol. I don’t say anything I don’t mean

  9. It had been a while because Im finally at peace with the people in my surroundings, but I tend to hit below the belt purposely when angry

  10. Way too many times..that and getting sick of being arrested is why I stopped drinking. Since then (8 months ) I haven’t had anything like that happen.

  11. Most probably when I was younger, mainly through my teen years.

    Then I learn to keep quiet and don’t talk until I’m completely chill.

  12. Not much anymore. when I was younger, I’d get pissed and spew venom, just say the most hurtful shit I could think of, shit that cut deep. I got much better as I got older and more chill

  13. People are honest when they’re angry. “Drunk people, angry people, and children tell the truth” – Shannon Sharpe. What’s said while drunk/mad comes from a place of truth!

  14. Never. I might still regret some of the words.. but not because I didn’t intend on saying them.

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