If you had to sell your soul to the devil, what would you ask for in return?

  1. The very next lottery ticket I purchase is guaranteed to be the one and only winning numbers.

  2. A controlling share in hell, the Devil and any intellectual property he develops in his spare time while at the company.

  3. A long, healthy, and happy life full of adventure with those I love. And if he doesn’t mind throwing in a few more inches below the belt I’ll piss on a priests door handles occasionally.

    Unfortunately I already sold my soul, so I got nothing to give.

  4. I’m not sure selling my soul to the devil is a good idea but if I had to, I guess I would ask for eternal youth 🤔. I mean, wouldn’t it be great to stay young forever and never worry about growing old? 🤷‍♂️ Plus, I could avoid all those awkward teenage years 😅. But I’ll stick to not selling my soul, 🤣Thanks Satan!

  5. The ability to read and control minds. Or just 3 rich beautiful women who love me unconditionally wants to spoil me and would never cheat on me.

  6. All the money I could fathom. From that I could enjoy the short time I have left on the earth without worrying

  7. This is an oddly specific question, good sir. Did you perhaps contact the devil and are now trying to find out what you should sell your soul for?

  8. There are a number of people I don’t want to spend eternity with, most of them live down there. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  9. For my father in law to be back to full health and unforced happiness for my family.

  10. Classic super filthy rich and knowledge in all demonic stuff, assuming those exist if the devil exist.

  11. If the devil and a soul were both real. It would be priceless. I guess it might be worth it to some to try and trick the devil, etc. I would be more interested in a tour of hell myself. Gotta plan ahead.

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