Mindset, mantra, daily habits or routines, etc.

  1. 1: Don’t care what other people think/say, live YOUR life for YOU, stop giving so much of a fuck

    This book helped me HUUUUUUGE time, I highly recommend reading it


    2: Do whatever it takes to make you happy, for me it was leaving my old country, I wasn’t happy there in the slightest, my friends and family all gave me so much shit for leaving, but it increased my happiness by 200%, some friends forgave me and eventually my family did, but I did what was right for ME, not anyone else, it’s not selfish to work towards your own happiness

    3: Staying healthy, when I was younger I was overweight, I got winded going up and down stairs, I had problems keeping up with friends when we walked to places, I busted my ass and got in shape and now I couldn’t be happier, it’s amazing how much happier you feel when you have a healthy body, healthy body = healthy mind

    4: I enjoy my freedom, I don’t let anyone hold me down in life, not friends, not family, not even the people I date, I do what I want WHEN I want, don’t like it? Tough shit, I don’t care

    TLDR; I don’t care what other people think/say, I do whatever I want as long as it makes me happy, I stay in good shape, and I don’t let anyone tell me “No”

  2. Living by “no is a complete sentence”.

    Putting myself first and allowing myself to be selfish. Every single choice I make also doesn’t have to be the wisest and most productive in the situation. As long as it’s not causing harm or has a direct negative impact on my life, I allow myself to make the “irresponsible” but fun choice here and there for the sake of my own happiness. I’m not a multinational corporation where profit is all that matters, I need to allow myself freedom and pleasure too.

    I’m also just gonna be honest and say that seeing people having it worse than me, or living normatively idyllic lives that I absolutely wouldn’t want, keeps me very grounded and content with what I have. I don’t mean that I’m sitting there rubbing my hands together, cackling like an evil witch while digging through the tragedys and traumas of other people, but I take a second to acknowledge that objectively, I have it okay, and I could have made much worse choices or ran into much more misfortune.

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