Just as the title says, my ex the girl I wanted to marry at some point in my life and who cheated on me last November and cz of whom I was a mess, cried even on New Year’s Eve and what not tried calling me today on my bday.

Not sure if I should return her call her not. My heart started beating faster as I saw her number popped up on my screen. It wasn’t the first time tho we contacted after our breakup but it was mostly toxic and for fights and stuffs like that.

I don’t think she seems to understand the gravity what she has done to me and how badly she has affected me.

Tl;dr: Ex who cheated on me couple of months ago tried calling me today on my bday. Not sure if should return her call or not.

  1. Dude seriously FTB. She has no respect for you, and she clearly had no respect for your relationship. Respect yourself and move on. F T B.

  2. She doesn’t see what she did, and do3snt fare about you. Reblock her number and move along, there is nothing worth digging up in this cemetery.

  3. Move on with your life and find someone new who will love you as much as you love them.

  4. no need to reply . if you reply, she still won’t get an idea of the gravity of what she did.

    if you don’t reply, at least she’ll think “huh, he must be mad or something” before going on with her life again. so yea, she still may not understand what she did to you but at least she won’t get a reply.

  5. block her. don’t interact with any form of communication from her side. no good can come from letting her back in. as you said yourself, you’ve had a string of instances where you’ve gotten in contact briefly – but they all lead to fights.




  7. She’s no doubt calling you just to upset you on another important day. Give yourself the best birthday gift and block her, take control of the situation, ignore her sue doesn’t deserve your energy anymore! Work on yourself and heal ❤️

  8. If you like him and feel something for him…dont worry…leave it and be free accept him again and fuck loyalty and everything….dont listen to anyone’s opinion….if u really lolike him…forgive….if u dont like him….leave him!

  9. It’s not worth even hearing what she has to say.

    You deserve better, and you deserve to close that chapter of your life so you can move on and experience happiness. Don’t even allow the chance that she might say something that gives you doubt or might make you consider even giving her a chance again.

    For your mental, I recommend blocking her on everything. Maybe also write down all of the awful things about the relationship & what she did to you so you can reread and remember, because with time out memories become rosier and you may forget all the pain she caused you. Document it for yourself and protect yourself.

  10. >I don’t think she seems to understand the gravity what she has done to me and how badly she has affected me.

    No, people that cheat never do, until it happens to them

  11. You are too old to be dating someone who couldnt even drink til this year. Move on and date in your age range.

  12. Do you fancy a toxic fight on your birthday 🫤 block her. The only way you’ll make her understand the gravity of the situation is by switching it off and letting her float away. At the very least. Call her tomorrow. I know how hard it is ignoring an ex but let her know she doesn’t get to ruin your birthday. Don’t let her out a downer on it. You’re in control now

  13. This has nothing to do with the sex of the person. She disrespected you, just as if she had been a man, I clarify this in case someone suddenly feels sympathy with this woman just because she shares the biological sex.

    The reality is simple, cheaters do not deserve forgiveness for me, it is a choice, not a mistake. They do it in good conscience. And you are vulnerable now, you deserve more valuable people, op. block her number.

  14. This should just give you the satisfaction of her still thinking about you, probably also regretting the cheating and losing you part.

    You deserve better than her!

  15. Happy birthday! I’m so sorry this happened to you. It happened to me (27F) too when I was 23. They always come back. Not worth it. I blocked him and moved on, he was a pos and I knew I deserved to be loved and respected. You do too. I wish you all the best!

  16. It’s been like 3 months, ofc you still think of her. Don’t return her call, she cheated and that isn’t really something most people can get over. At most, she’ll apologize, would that bring you peace? There isn’t likely anything she could say that would give you closure.

    If it were me, I would block her and not speak to her again.

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