What made you choose whether to have or not have an epidural?

  1. I didn’t get to with my 2nd baby! The anesthesiologist was busy that night by the time he got to my room I had already delivered!!

  2. I told my doc my “birth plan” was get everyone out safe and remember as little as possible. Between the epidural and anti nausea meds they gave me, mission accomplished.

  3. 32 years ago, pre internet , I was young and dumb (married) when I got pregnant with my first. I went to see a NP, not a clue in the world that they were different from PhD. Anyway, she was this lady who was all about breathing and feeling everything and being present in the moment. She would talk me through each contraction. She never once mentioned drugs or pain relief of any kind. I never thought to ask. I went on to have all 5 of my kids (twins as well) all natural.

  4. With my first, I was trying to have him natural (with no epidural). I lasted 17 hours. When I finally got an 8 in dilation, I threw the towel in and asked for it. I was exhausted. Once I got it, I was like “Why didn’t I ask for this 16.5 hours ago?”

    Then with my second, I asked for one AS SOON AS I WALKED THROUGH those doors! Of course I had to wait (and this was already being I labor for ab 8-9 hours). Ugh.

  5. I have aura migraines, so I was scared of the rare epidural migraine. I also fractured a vertebrae in high school, and even though the doctors never mentioned it, I was nervous it could be an issue. Really didn’t want a catheter (ended up getting one for a short period of time anyways). And I wanted to be able to walk easily afterwards, and I’ve seen people have a bit of a come down afterward.

    Don’t think I’m some warrior, I hope everyone who wants one can get one.
    If my kid didn’t get a move on quickly after I got pitocin I was totally ready to switch gears and get one.

  6. I chose to get one. Asked them to give me whatever i was allowed. I got sleep deprivation and morphine 👍 Top tip, prepare for your birth plan to go out the window

  7. Mt placenta didn’t come out intact
    My OBGYN had to “go get it “. My husband looks down, sees my doctor in my birth canal up to his elbow. I never knew, and will tell anyone who asks, THAT’S why you want an epidural.

  8. With my 2 child I repeatidly said… don’t forget, I am no hero I want all you have to eaze the pain, do you hear me I AM NO HERO!! I think I said it about 20 times!

  9. I am hoping not to get one because then I can avoid a catheter and go home 8 hours after birth. I have ptsd and the thought of not being able to leave and potentially not feeling my lower half or being able to walk terrifies me more than the pain lol

    But in the end, it is going to be whatever gets the baby here safely.

  10. First birth without an epidural taught me a good lesson . (He was 9lbs 4.7 oz lol)

  11. i didn’t have a choice, i labored at home for 12 hours with no clue! by the time i realized like okay this pain is getting crazy, i showed up to the hospital at 8cm! pushed baby out in 20 mins with no chance to choose if i wanted an epidural as it was too late

  12. I initially did not plan on getting one when I went into labor. I had always wanted to do it natural simply because I kept telling myself it couldn’t be “that bad.” I very much compare myself to my sister a lot and she had two girls natural and I thought: I have higher pain tolerance than her. If she could do it, I totally could!

    lolololol past me was naive and very dumb. I was admitted at 11ish. Administered pitocin at midnight. And very quickly realized I was not going to get any sleep. I was exhausted and it was just too intense to get any sleep. And I knew I would need it. I think about 8am I caved and asked for the epidural just so I could get some sleep. About 10 hours later, my son was born and while a very small part of me wondered if I could’ve done it without it…I am very much glad I chose to and that I was able to get sleep/rest before pushing and all that.

  13. With my first, the pain decided for me. With my second, I showed up too dilated to get one.

  14. Knowing that labouring on my back and being stuck in a bed would not allow me to have a vaginal birth, having past traumatic epidurals that stalled my labour, and wanting to feel in full control of my body. I had my 3rd with no epidural after 2 traumatic emergency c-sections and loved every moment.

  15. I didn’t have an epidural. I hoped that without I would have a faster birth. I found the pain intense, but manageable. It wasn’t frightening. I was in strong labor for about 5-6 hours before I gave birth. The actual birth was a relief and was pretty quick once I started pushing.

    I didn’t want to be numb or unable to move around. I didn’t want to be stuck to the bed.

    My second birth was a c-section and I didn’t like it at all—both arms strapped wide. Major surgery going on behind a curtain. Since she was a breech baby, I wasn’t given much choice.

  16. I was losing touch with reality because the pain was so intense – was close to hallucinating. My husband had to physically restrain me to get the epidural. It was necessary.

  17. I chose to not have an epidural out of fear of complications, both long and short term. The thought of losing mobility was also scary for me.

  18. The pain. Why suffer when you don’t have to? Doesn’t make you less of a mom. Had it both times and slept! It felt like I was sunbathing on the beach.

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