I’m curious if people think it’s okay or appropriate to ask someone you are casually dating? I always thought it’s not something to ask because you two technically aren’t exclusive, but still in the dating phase. Or is it best to leave it alone & don’t ask?

  1. You are allowed to ask. Ask when it starts to matter to you. Some people ask sooner, some ask later. Some never.

  2. To preface this, I’ve dated one girl in 16 years and we were married for 6 of those until she cheated, so I have little experience with dating of today. But really, if I decide to start dating again there isn’t going to be any of this BS of her dating someone while dating me, it’s exclusive from the day I ask if she wants to go to dinner or some type of event or something. So yeah, if you aren’t comfortable with them dating multiple people while with you, ask them and tell them your stance, if they don,t like it then the relationship isn’t for you.

    What I’ve learned during this divorce is if you aren’t willing to work with the each other then it isn’t going to work out, and having others with their hand in the relationship makes working on things impossible.

  3. You’re allowed to ask for sure! Just be prepared for the answer you probably do not want to hear. The only way to find out is by asking.

  4. If you’re a man, no. You’re only job is to plan a fun date once or twice a week. It’s the woman’s job to ask “what are we?”, “where do we stand?”, “are you seeing anyone else?”. If a guy brings that stuff up first, you’re really running the risk of coming across as needy or clingy

  5. Ask when you want, but asking and getting the answer you don’t want doesn’t mean you have the right to get angry.

    You should only ask if you think in the next date or two you are becoming exclusive – even casually (not “official” but it’s been enough dates where dating other people is becoming messed up, probably 4 or 5 dates in).

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