What fear tactics cops use to interrogate a suspect?

  1. Doesn’t matter. Don’t say anything until you get a lawyer. You have that right and once you say I’d rather discuss with a lawyer present they have to immediately end the interrogation.

  2. Sneak into your house, hide under your bed and pull your leg whenever you fell asleep.

  3. They’re legally allowed to lie to you to get a conviction. That’s why you say nothing without a lawyer present.

  4. Detectives will make you believe that they have all the evidence to lock you up so you will just admit to the crime cause you feel hopeless. However that’s not true, and that’s why you’re being interrogated for a confession.

  5. Cops just have a level of confidence through hundreds and thousands of high stress interactions that make you feel like you’re obligated to talk to them. I’ve never had a single bad encounter with the police, but in the times I have had to deal with them I always get this feeling like I’m obligated to talk based on the perceived power dynamic, and I’m a pretty confident person. It’s actually pretty impressive tbh. But like everyone else said, do not talk to the police at all, ever.

  6. Some fear tactics that cops may use during interrogation include making threats, displaying aggression, and creating a sense of isolation or helplessness for the suspect.

  7. Not a fear tactic, but a way to get you to unintentionally incriminate yourself.

    Let’s say you are brought in for questioning, and you shut down and say you want a lawyer. While they are waiting for them to arrive they will have a 2nd cop in the room and start going over “facts” of the case. This is an effort to get you to inject yourself into their conversation to correct something they said. Now you’ve just possibly incriminated yourself.

  8. – “It will go a lot better for you if you just tell me everything.”

    – “We already know everything, so don’t lie to us.”


  10. Sometimes they’d bring in a new PS5 game. Flip the disc over and slowly scrap a needle across it until you talk.

  11. They don’t usually use “fear” as a tactic. It’s not as effective as empathy.

    They’ll be super nice and encouraging while you incriminate yourself.

    Best to not talk to them. You don’t have to.

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