Was it annoying to ask in the first place, or was there something else going on?
TL:DR to wait for them to get in touch, or send another text?

  1. Leave them alone. If they wanted to talk to you about their holiday, they would. Maybe they got busy and couldn’t text again. If they want to talk to you, they’ll come back around. This topic is no where near important enough to deserve a double text.

  2. Never send a double text, stop being weird and obsessing

    It’s not gonna make them more interested

  3. How long ago did this question happen? Lots of time I respond to someone in my head and forget to actually send them a message. If they don’t get back to you in a few days, just send them something saying hi or acting normal. Also depends if this is someone you’ve known for a long time or someone new you wish to date. If it’s the latter, just move on.

  4. Is this a friend or is it some girl playing games with you? Example my best friend goes to Spain for 2 weeks, “how was it?” And he doesn’t respond I might send it again and say “I’m not sure if my message went through but I’d love to hear how Spain was.” If it’s some girl, and it’s “hey how have you been” and she says she’s good just got back from vacation, and you say “cool how was it” and she doesn’t answer. You have your answer, move on.

  5. Let it slide and leave them alone.

    It’s none of your business.


    After reading the OPs comments you need to get a grip.

    Stop overthinking this and move on from it already.

  6. Reading your responses to this has given me serious anxiety.

    If you are this frantic over a simple question that you didnt get a response to, you should absolutely 100% utterly and completely leave this person alone.

  7. I move on about my day. Either they want to talk about it or they don’t. I can’t force them nor will I be butt hurt because they didn’t want to discuss something about *THEIR* life.

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