(26M) recently went on a date with a woman who is very positive, driven, and career focused. I work in the same field although I’ve been on leave for a few months due to burnout/depression (was hitting me hard that week although I went ahead with the date instead of rescheduling). The two of us laughed and hugged as we talked throughout the night, although I displayed a lot of subtle negativity when she asked questions regarding my life/career goals. At the end of the night I walked my date back to her car, where we shared a kiss (plus one for the road). I texted her following up for date #2 and she said she wasn’t interested.

In the time since, I’ve been taking concrete steps to get my professional life back on track and continued dating, though this woman still comes to mind. Would it be wrong to reach out again in the future?

1 comment
  1. She rejected you, if she changes her mind it’s on her to reach out to you.

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