How many Reddit profiles do you have and why?

  1. Too many. Simply because I always get tired of my usernames and want a new one. It blows my mind that you can’t change your Reddit username.

  2. like 20 ? I donno I move onto a new account every other year, sometimes multiple times in a year.

  3. Two because I didn’t like the name of the first one. Don’t really use it unless i want to sign in on another device.

  4. This one where I post whatever I want and another I used to browse porn with.

  5. Like 5-7

    I use them all to participate in one specific topic of subredidts.

  6. I’ve got at least one account tied to a real life identity that I’d rather not have used for more political stuff. A couple others were random throwaways. Another is just an old one from an old username.

  7. one at a time, if one gets deleted then i make a new one, i dont use several at the same time though

  8. One. I’ve had a few concurrent ones for various topics in the past, but I got too lazy to keep up.

  9. A lot.

    I usually delete an account after 6 months or so. Sometimes at 10k points, others at random.

  10. One. It’s already quasi-anonymous, so I don’t see any need to have alts or throwaways.

  11. This is my normal one and then I have a second one that’s for talking about kinky stuff

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