That and gauging how popular is the local craft beer scene there

  1. Probably. Most Americans live in cities and towns and these days I’d guess most towns of at least 20,000 have at least one craft brewery.

    The craft beer scene is insanely popular.

    Edit: A list of breweries in my state says there are 16 craft breweries within 10 miles. I’m in a fairly dense area, there are probably 200,000 to 300,000 people within that area.

  2. Given that virtually everyone living in a city is going to be within 10 miles of a craft brewery, of course it’s true.

  3. For what it’s worth, I can literally see a craft brewery out the window my computer is next to, and there are two more roughly the same distance behind me.

  4. I’m not sure that that’s true just because there are some very isolated places.

    I know that I can’t even count how many are within 10 miles of me.

  5. Really depends on where you are. It’s a pretty big country.

    For example most of my adult life I’ve had more craft breweries nearby than I can count. I’m in a slightly more rural area now though, and the nearest craft brewery that I know of is over an hour away.

  6. At least around me (NW Phoenix burbs). Two that I know of within 5 miles (probably more)

  7. There’s 100+ local breweries or brewery owned tap houses in Indianapolis alone, plus dozens more in the surrounding counties.

    Even some really small Indiana towns will have a brewery, or the local bar will at least have some Sun King or 3 Floyds available.

    Unfortunately I think we’ve kind of hit the limit. Growth has slowed and the biggest breweries in Indiana are starting to shift into spirits and even non-alcoholic beer to keep growing as they say their beer sales have remained flat. Not to mention the increase costs of glass and aluminum.

  8. Probably 4 or 5 here in Nashville. Probably 20-30 when I was in San Diego

    Edit. I read that as 10 minutes at first. There are way more breweries within a 10 mm ile radius I would imagine.

  9. For me, it’s more like I live around a mile from probably 10 craft breweries/taprooms…

  10. I’ve got 13 within 10 miles according to Google. Probably double that if you go to 15 miles. I’m in a small town bordering a good size city, though.

  11. Yeah probably true, given population densities and the popularity of breweries.

    Anecdotally, there’s one about a 0.3 mile (~500 meter) walk from my apartment, another one about 1.5 miles away, and another about 2.5 miles. Oh and a 4th one I almost forgot that’s also 2.5 miles away in the other direction. A 10 mile radius encompasses almost the entire city and a lot of suburbs, including a bit of NJ. There’s probably 50 breweries in that area.

  12. I just did a quick Google search and within 10 miles of my current address there are 27 craft breweries. I could throw a rock and hit a beer stein from here.

  13. I was thinking no at first, but then I realized how many craft breweries we have here in Baltimore County, and I’d say that could very well be true. Craft beer is still pretty popular, at least where I am as it’s also been expanding into food halls and social spaces as well (arcades, ax throwing, food pairings, rock climbing, etc).

  14. Almost certainly yes. Half the country lives in the largest 40 or so metro areas. It doesn’t take that many breweries for that stat to be accurate. And the craft explosion means we have a lot of breweries

  15. It’s true for me. There’s easily dozens within a 10 mile radius of my house, but I am near a big SD craft beer hub (we call it “Beeramar” instead of Miramar lol)

  16. I wouldn’t know, but I can’t think of one off the top of my head. There are places serving locally made craft beer, but I don’t know of any nearby that does their own brewing.

    The last time I got locally made cider, it was made more than 10 miles away but less than 20. That doesn’t prove there are none closer.

  17. I live in a kinda small town… And there are three craft brewery/pubs within 10 miles.

    So I think it’s plausible that that is true for many American cities and towns.

  18. I’m in the city of Seattle, I bet there are three dozen craft breweries within 10 miles of me. Maybe more.

  19. Yes, but I live in the middle of the city in Chicago so I’m within 10 miles of virtually every type of bar or restaurant.

  20. I live within 10 miles of more than one craft breweries, a meadery, a vodka distillery, and a whiskey distillery.

    I live in metro Detroit

  21. I live in a small college town. There are five craft breweries within 8 miles from me.

  22. I thought this was ridiculous so I typed it into maps.

    13 miles. And I’m in a really small town with not much within half an hour. There’s like 20 within 30 miles. 🙃

  23. It just depends on how rural your area is. Any fairly large town will have one, but if you’re somewhere that’s 30 minutes away from a grocery store then you’re probably also at least 30 minutes away from anything else, including a craft brewery.

  24. I live 14 miles from the closest town, and 16 miles from the closest craft brewery…

  25. Idk about “most”, but there are several in that range for me and more if you count the microbreweries that sell it in their own restaurants instead of distributing. Definitely most within a major metro.

  26. To my surprise I am 11 miles away from one. I am 70 miles from a large city and live in the middle of nowhere.

  27. I actually wasn’t sure how close the nearest one was so had to google. Apparently there is one about 25 miles away, one 35 miles away, and then 5 others 40-45 miles away. The one 35 miles away is in my state, all the others are in neighboring states. I do live pretty rural though.

  28. I live within 10 miles of literally dozens of craft breweries. I don’t think that’s normal for most areas though.

  29. This question makes me curious, I would like to see a map visualization of how far any one point in the US is from a craft brewery.

    Because they are ever so plentiful. If you like to try different beers, the US is gonna be your best friend.

  30. I don’t know about most people but it seems it is over 30 miles to a brewery from where I live.

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