I (21F) have been with my bf (23M) for about four years now.

A couple of nights ago my bf came home late after he got a call from a friend. He didnt tell me what he was up to or where he went, and didnt answer the texts I sent him while he was out. (It wasnt aggressive or anything either, just a text saying “i love you!” and another one asking how he was). When he came home, I asked how was the hangout, what they were up too, stuff like that. He just brushed it off by saying “friends, we just talked”. I asked if they wanted to hang out together next week, and he seemed kinda annoyed and said we’d talk about it in the morning.

In the middle of the night, he starts violently vomiting and it reeks of alcohol, so hes clearly been drinking. This confused me, as I have zero issue with him drinking normally, but it just seemed so strange that he was trying to hide this from me. I asked him why he didnt tell me, and he brushed me off agian by just saying “yeah I drank” and went back to bed. He rarely goes out drinking.

The next morning I said that we had to have a talk. I wanted to know what was happening and why he was being so weird. He has cheated on me once in the past, so I feel like I was understandable in my concerns. After repeated questions about what happened, he eventually told me that he was only hanging out with one person, another girl. Ive never met her before, he met her recently and theyve been hanging out quite a bit together since theyre from the same country. Last sent they spent four hours drinking gin in the park together. Normally this wouldnt bother me, but the fact that it seemed like he was trying to hide the truth made me extremely suspicious. His excuse for cheating on me two years ago was that he was drunk and stressed. I tried to explain why this was confusing to me in this context, and he completely ignored that. By this point I was a bit hurt and angry about how dismissive he was acting, so I grabbed my backpack and said I was heading out for the day to think and call a friend.

Its been two days since then and he’s made absolutely no attempt to contact me or follow up. Not even a text asking if I was alright, where I was, or if I wanted to talk. I dont know why, but this hurts the most. I feel really weird about wanting someone to check up on me without me asking, but I also feel like he should? Idk, even if Im going psycho and my suspicions are completely unwarranted, I just feel like my partner of four years should be putting in the effort to just ask if I was ok. We didnt get into a screaming fit or something either, I just said I needed to head out for the day to think. Idk it just feels like he doesnt give a shit about me, which certainly doesnt help my suspicions about him cheating either. Honestly even if he didnt cheat, the way he’s been acting really hurts and idk if I wanna continue this relationship.

TL;DR. Boyfriend came home very drunk and was extremely cagey about telling me where he was, who he hung out with, and the fact that he drank. After further questioning, he was drinking with a female friend he just met alone for four hours, which made me suspicious as he cheated on me before. I left apartment to think, its been two days and he hasnt put in any effort to contact me or see if I was ok. I am hurt by this.

  1. Nah, you’re not being unreasonable.

    People on this subreddit have a lot of opinions about going back to a cheating partner. A lot of people are like NEVER DO IT. Which is fine. But I feel like not all cheating scenarios are the same and there are people who can repair a relationship after it if the proper conditions all line up. It’s rare. But doable.

    THAT BEING SAID, part of that deal has to be that the offending partner doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt on stupid shit anymore. There are just going to have to be certain scenarios and situations they don’t get to get into anymore.

    > I tried to explain why this was confusing to me in this context, and he completely ignored that.

    Yeaaaaah. He doesn’t get to stonewall you on this shit anymore.

    You need to seriously reconsider staying in this relationship. He should be moving heaven and earth to try and fix things with you and the fact that he’s doing nothing pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

  2. So he cheated on you and you stayed with him. Sounds like he’s doing it again. And he makes no attempts to communicate with you and hides things. Doesn’t show any remorse. Why are you still with him?

  3. I don’t think your relationship is great. He is headed toward cheating again. Maybe not this time but some time. I believe cheating can be overcome. I believe we can have friends of the opposite sex. I believe we all need a bit of trust and privacy, but this scenario is not any of those things. This is hiding intimacy with a potential partner. If he thinks that is ok, it is only one tiny step to actually cheating.

  4. If my bf were out at super late hours with another chick drinking AND he’d cheated before AND didn’t try to resolve anything I’d dump him. Maybe I’m harsh

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