Hello ya’ll! Been a minute but I legit want to know (No filters, raw truth) on both sides of men/woman why is FWB easier (yet harder) to maintain and have but not a relationship? Also, why have a FWB with all the relationship stuff (More or less) yet not the title of such a bf/gf?. Thanks in advanced.

  1. I don’t have the bandwidth to support a partner emotionally right now. But regular sex is nice. I wouldn’t do all the other stuff, so maybe this person just doesn’t want the label for some reason.

  2. It’s a fear of commitment. Fear that they might break your heart, or that you aren’t enough.

    If you text and go over each other’s house and fuck, maybe hangout, that’s FWB, but once you start going out to eat and other dating activities, that’s a relationship. You may not want to label it, but a duck is a duck.

  3. I enjoy variety in sleeping with multiple people and not having to invest emotionally when I don’t feel attachment to people.

  4. I am working on myself and don’t think I’d be the best partner right now. That doesn’t mean I don’t like good company, a date here and there, and frequent sex. It is hard to find an Fwb since most men don’t understand that it’s not just a hookup but when they’re good they are GOOD.

  5. FWBs are really good as long as both people acknowledge them as such. They only become challenging when only one person develops feelings.

  6. FWB is harder to maintain because there’s no commitment. Lack of commitment is a key factor which ends many relationships. Then you could also view it as infidelity in some regard, which is also a prime reason for why people split up.

    Why have FWB with all the BF/GF stuff? In most cases where this happens the FWB arrangement is a stepping stone towards a relationship. But it could also be that they just want to not limit themselves sexually to one partner or they don’t feel like the person they’re having sex with is worth committing too. But they may still enjoy the relationship-like interactions. It’s just without expectations

  7. Easier as in it’s just hangout n fk. No worries no real strings etc.

    Harder because someone gonna catch feelings.

  8. If going FWB, establish boundaries at first. FWB is not supposed to technically involve relationship stuff, but if you discuss it beforehand, it can be allowed. The purpose of FWB is to not have any title and leave at anytime you want when something real arrives.

  9. Obligation.

    If she’s my GF, there’s a laundry list of things I’m probably going to be expected to be a part of socially and emotionally that I’d generally rather not be.

    That said, for the right girl, I’ll do it.

  10. fear of commitment.
    to maintain a fwb you don’t necessarily need to have those conversations about feelings that can be terrifying for most of the people.
    you think you can avoid responsibilities you would have as an actual partner. it’s less complicated (at first).
    sometimes people think that feelings = mess

  11. FWB is lowkey toxic. I am 100% guilty of doing it with only 1 friend of mine. Maybe 2?

    In my experience its easier to maintain because we are good friends already.

    But when people mix relationship vibes while being FWB thats when it gets bad. This is not a good thing to do but people do it because some people dont have someone who wants to date them or they arent ready for a relationship but want to do things together. This causes confusion. You act like you like eachother and maybe you do but youre not dating and having sex. Its a mess of a situation.

    In my honest opinion its not good. After your FWB dates someone who isnt you (depending on how your friendship is) it could leave you feeling negative and left out or tossed aside etc. But if that doesn’t happen to you or your thoughts then you are fine to do it but i still dont think friends should.

    The only people who should be having sex are people hooking up. But as I’ve said im guilty of doing FWB.

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