So, I’m in college, freshman year, 18, all that. I also work at one of my school’s dining halls, but I’m quitting for reasons other than what I’m about to explain.

Today I was at the deli counter making sandwiches, and there was a rack behind me with oranges, apples, and bananas. About 2 hours into my shift I noticed that one of my coworkers had taken the fruit from the rack and put it on another stand that was easier for the customers to reach. Whatever, right? Well, I see this and for some reason, I just go up behind him and stare. I don’t know why I did it, maybe I thought it was funny to be fake outraged by something as small as this. But the guy doesn’t know me, so how would he know my intentions? That’s not fair at all. So after he sees me, he says something along the lines of “I’m not intimidated by you, Harry Potter” (I have round glasses) and I walked away without saying anything and he adds to it “Yeah, that’s what I thought” and I couldn’t get it out of my head the entire rest of my shift. Now I don’t know what to do, because I’ll probably never see him again, but also I’m realizing how immature it was of me to not only do that to him but also have this crybaby reaction. So I ask you, what do I do now? and why do I feel like there are planets on my shoulders?

  1. You’re 18 years old. You’re still incredibly young. Just focus on yourself and focus on doing things you enjoy and like.

  2. Whenever I have a moment of self-reflection that is about something really cringe, I remind myself not to be cringe next time. You either take this as a learning experience and be better later, or just continue being cringe the rest of your life.

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