Every time I try to discuss something calmly with her, because I know she’s emotional, she starts getting slowly angry and it honestly takes us nowhere. If she get’s mad at me for her own misunderstanding, she’ll just get less responsive and seclude herself. I do apologize for where I go wrong of course, I always apologize if I feel like I’ve done anything to offend her, I always try to understand her point of view but sometimes it really feels like it’s not reciprocated. It’s honestly not fair that I always have to get the bad end of the stick in most of our discussions even if I barely did anything.

She once got mad at me because I said “I didn’t sleep well because, kept waking up” (we stay together, I sweat a lot in my sleep so I sometimes have a hard time sleeping. she sweats but not to the point that her sleep is disturbed). She thought I meant it was because of her that I didn’t sleep well because I kept wiping her sweat off of her while she slept. So she decided to keep quiet for a good 20 minutes and starts being passive aggressive about towards me. I ask her what’s wrong and she keeps hesitating to tell me even though I always encourage to speak out about any issues. She then tells me that I blamed her for not sleeping well as if she could control her sweating. She mentioned I rised my voice a bit when explaining, which I did apologize for. She then just left the room being non responsive over such a little issue.

I don’t even have a clue on how to approach this because it can definitely turn into an argument when I mean no harm whatsoever

  1. She should stop assuming things and start asking questions if she didn’t understand or want clarification about your words. Also why does she thinks that all is her fault? If it is you need to tell her clearly that it’s her fault. In this case all this could have been solved with simply asking few additional questions.

  2. Relationships can be tough sometimes, right? It’s like you try to have a calm discussion and suddenly it’s like boom, explosion city. But you gotta keep trying, you know? Keep apologizing when you mess up, keep trying to understand her point of view, even if it feels like she’s not doing the same for you. And that whole sweating thing? Man, that’s just a misunderstanding. You were just talking about your own sleeping troubles, not blaming her. You just gotta keep communicating, keep trying to see things from each other’s perspective, and hopefully, you’ll figure it out.

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