There is this girl at school that I’ve liked for a little while. We never really talk much but I really admire her personality and I think she’s really sweet person. We have started talking more and I’ve gone out of my way to spend more time with her to get to know her better (mainly in school). Around valentine’s day I asked her out because I had the sense she had some feelings for me, which turned out to be true. I told her how I felt and asked her if we wanted to get to know each other better and if I could take her to dinner sometime, she said yes to the date (didn’t discuss a time or place during our talk) and she also told me she had feelings for me too, she told me to ask her other friend who also confirmed she had feelings for me. All was well and I was so happy. But the next day she pulled me aside and told me something of the sort “I don’t think my feelings were in the right place yesterday, I like the idea of being liked but I’m not sure if this is right” (can’t really remember what she said 100%). I feel like I came off too strong and I didn’t mean to pressure her into something she didn’t want to do, I highly respect her and value her opinion and im happy she was honest with me. But she has feelings for me, or at least had, and I thought things would have worked out, I guess she just isn’t ready to date, but I feel like she hates me now because i told her how i felt. This was the first time i ever asked out a girl. Before i would always just write a girl a note or do something stupid or have them find out i like them and it would never get anywhere, i felt like i actually accomplished something for once when i got myself together and asked her out and she said yes. She hasn’t talked to me much since then and I feel like we are growing apart and it deeply saddens me. Everything felt so genuine and it just hurts now.

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