So I’m man in relationship with that woman, and we got into sexual relationship I enjoyed it and so did she but last time she told me that she doesn’t feel desired sexually by me.

I don’t understand how can i make her feel sexually desired.

I’ve been into sexual relationship once before her and I lack the experience, I asked her what should I do to make you feel desired but her answer I won’t feel it, if you did so after I tell you and she refuses to tell me.

  1. Use your words. “You look so sexy in that shirt.” “I can’t wait to tear your clothes off of you.” “I love the shape of your breasts from the side, and I love watching them bounce.” “Damn, your ass looks irresistible in those panties.” Etc. Just express thoughts that you have.

    Also, touch, looks. Give her a once over and let your eyes linger on a part of her body you like. Come up behind her and embrace her with your hands running along her hips. If she is okay with it, grab her butt as she walks past you. Whatever she likes and is comfortable with.

    Mostly, though, use your words. That’s the easiest way.

  2. Personally, I feel sexually desired if my partner compliments me about my body – it makes me feel sexy as hell and boosts my confidence to the max.

    I guess doing little acts to show that you love her always helps – buying her flowers, being affectionate, kissing her and touching her – showing her you actually like her and value her.

    Another thing I’d probably say is making sure she gets the pleasure whilst you’re having sex, otherwise she might think you are just having sex for your own pleasure. I’ve had many experiences where I’ve had sex with a man and not felt wanted to desired because he has only concentrated on making sure he has a good time and making sure he finishes, rather than making me feel good.

    If you lack the experience, communicate with her what she wants – show her that you’re ready to be attentive towards her pleasure and what she wants in the bedroom, show her that you’re keen to learn and give her a good time.

  3. A cuddle and slow neck kisses from behind. Very intimate and gives me the shivers every time. Soft erogenous zones like the earlobes, inside wrist and inside of the elbow. Also very intimate and loving.

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