There were these two girls in my class who I went to club meetings with sometime and we talked quite a bit. The other two girls became closer because they had another class together too. After the class the ended, those two stayed in touch but I didn’t know how to continue the conservation. This class was last spring. Would it be weird if messaged them? What should I say? I don’t know if catching up makes sense because we weren’t really friend. Would it be weird if I randomly asked them if they were going to an event? I don’t want to force my way into their friendship since they are already closer.

1 comment
  1. Naw, you should definitely try and force your way into that friendship. Or, well, maybe try not to think of it as forcing. You are reaching out to someone, and if they don’t want you to, you will be able to tell and can back off, knowing you tried and did nothing wrong. And last spring isn’t that long ago. Something like “Hey _______, we haven’t talked for a while and I was wondering how you were? Are you going to ________event? Want to meet up there?”

    But, are you sure they are still close friends? If not, it might be very odd if you drop them suddenly into a group text if they are no longer talking to each other. If you are not sure, then I’d suggest start with a message to one, and then ask if they are still friends with the other.

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