what’d you do if you were talking to someone you showed interested and then realized you dont like them?

  1. Probably legally change my name. Take out a loan for an experienced cosmetic surgeon to alter my physical features. Buy a plot of land somewhere in Montana. Live off the grid. Hopefully never have to confront him again.

  2. This is actually the exact situation I was in not too long ago ago. I had really convinced myself that I liked this guy and I think that I really wanted to, but something just wasn’t clicking and I knew I wouldn’t be happy in a relationship with him. At first, I tried to ignore it and tried telling myself that I was just nervous and scared to be in a relationship after so long of not being with anybody but eventually realized that it wasn’t fair for either of us for me to keep doing that, especially not to him. I ended up just being honest and letting him know that I just didn’t feel that we were the right match and that things weren’t working out. He was a great guy but just not the one for me.

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